Matthew 24:2 Fulfilled Prophecy 70 a.d. Stone Sculpture, Rome Italy
The TITUS ARCH, the fulfillment of the Matthew 24:2 prophecy, a sculpted snapshot of, ...NOT ONE STONE LEFT UPON ANOTHER [Matthew 24:2], depicted are 2nd Temple, 1st century utensils carried away to Rome at 70 A.D. by Titus, commemorating the conquering of Judea by Vespasian. Today the Titus Arch monument is located outside the ancient entrance to the, "Palatine", Rome, Italy.
The carved stone is evidence, witness and testimony to the fulfillment of 1st century Prophecy, as outlined in the Dead Sea Scrolls Bible collection, which includes, the Old Testament, Tanakh; other extant Hebrew Canonized Books, commentary, reference and biography works each curated and archived by the Essene Community. The scrolls discovered in 11 Caves at the Qumran region, near the Dead Sea in 1947.
The Titus Arch demonstrates visually the answer to the questions of Matthew 24:3, "When shall these things happen and what is the sign of thy conquering coming as detailed in Isaiah 63; and the conclusion of the Gentile Age; known as the, end of the Aion (Age); not the end of the world.
The Answer is: Take Heed, Lest someone comes along to deceive you. Many will come, Wars and rumors of Wars must happen, but the end is not yet; I disclose exactly what will happen in Matthew 24:7-51, which is the season; only the Father knows the hour and day. The outline will unfold as a timeline which can be traced so that each generation will have the mystery revealed until the angel standing on the sea and land declares no more delay, within the days of the seventh Trumpet the secret-mystery as told to the prophets,Amos 3:7; Daniel 9:6-10 Zechariah 1:6; Daniel 2:28-30; until the next generation is revealed more of the dreams, visions of prophecy, what happens in the Latter Days, Revelation, states, "the revelation is given to show the servants what must soon take place, which first addressed to the 7 Churches, 100 a.d. Blessed is the one who reads ...the original Hebrew Scrolls, The DEAD SEA SCROLLS.
MATTHEW 24:15, commands to look to Daniel for the answers. DANIEL DECODED
THE Hebrew Bible ...a systematic investigation of biblical text, the Dead Sea Scrolls. The answers written in Hebrew script, canonized by the Hebrew. A unique visual compendium, concerning appointed Time. Times and 1/2, MOED: appointed time, place, meeting, or event relating to the Creation of the Universe, Mankind and World Biblical History.
Like Isaac Newton, our belief is that all conclusions are based on induction. One reasons from the observable facts and always needs to refer one’s conclusions or theories to observable facts (like gravity); in this case the facts of God's words as presented in the Hebrew Book; to the Hebrew Prophets; for the World and the Hebrew nation who had been living in Darkness. ELEMENTS OF PROPHECY The Hebrew Bible is One Prophecy traced from the Garden of Eden, actually, the Hebrew Bible is traced from the Creation of the Universe which is pure Science, the platform for air, water, metals, plants and animals, including human like kind animals without the breathe of God, formed, but subject to extinction. The human Homo Sapien is the only created being which had breathe blown into his dust. Man is the only creature that has not or cannot go extinct from his original form, made in God's image. Man is the only creation placed in the Garden for companionship with God; man now faces toward the restoration of intimate relationship with the Creator, again. The Hebrew Bible was written, sealed, preserved, archived, discovered; in its first century form as evidence which now requires review of the extensive (more books then traditionally known) 1st century Hebrew canonized Dead Sea Scrolls Collection.ARTIFACTS OF PROPHECY Hard, inanimate real objects of History, Archaeology, Paleontology, Chronology ... The Cyrus Cylinder restores Israel to the land and Temple.EVIDENCE OF PROPHECY First, that there would be a someone outside the Garden capable of killing Cain; God affirming by placing a visible mark on Cain so the (someone-kind creature) would not find him and kill him; that a Virgin would give birth; finally the Last Days would encompass so many years, in the form of the 70th week of Jeremiah, Daniel and Isaiah; that the Time ending, not world, could only be revealed in the Hebrew book of Revelation; that knowledge would rise out of the ground, out of the Darkness and be unsealed in the Last Days, provides a way for the wise to understand, by the knowledge increased with the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls
You see we don't really know THE BIBLE as we should, we only know small sound bites about, The Greatest Story Ever Told, concerning the Redeemer, "Ben", who would speak words in his own time as directed by his Father, at the time of His first visitation, saying: "you know not Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms; only to find in our time, 2000 years later, the condition still exists; how the Hebrew disciples wanted to understand by saying: "how will we know when all these things, meaning, the destruction of Jerusalem [see D.D. Whedon's Commentary 1866 Luke; and the End of the age, not world; will occur; and what will be the, Sign... ".
The Hebrew disciples were given Signs, which would progressively come to pass, their immediate instruction was to look to the prophet Daniel for the answers, starting in their own time, tracing events of the Signs of the End of the Age, not world. Luke 21:5-36. Matthew 24 and Mark 13; Isaiah 66:19-24, Isaiah 65:17-25
The answers they are told would come from two witnesses, the obvious book of Daniel, starting at chapter 9 and the last living disciple John the Apostle, Johns Revelation of the Anointed One, the Christos, parallels and completes the book of Daniel. Daniel 1 to 12 is completed by Revelation 7:14 to Revelation 22:21
It is easy to see, how, directly after the crucifixion and resurrection, of the man from Nazareth, born in Bethlehem, of Virgin descent, lived in the Galilee, crucified, dead and risen; had now fulfilled what was said through the Prophets, including Isaiah, Jeremiah and Daniel [Matthew 4:12-17]; after the Anointed One is cut-off, the apostle Peter headed straight for the book of Daniel and the prophecies of Jeremiah, Isaiah, Daniel and Zechariah, as they are all directly linked to the, End of the Age; Peter would rush-study, then quote the book of Joel as he explains the events of the Last Days ..." this is that" meaning this is the fulfilled prophecy spoken by the prophet Joel. In Acts chapter 2 verses 14-21, we find Peter accurately quoting the book of Joel, ..."this is that spoken by the prophet Joel ". Two major events have occurred as noted in the book of Acts which can only be seen and understood properly from a Hebrew perspective, as is the case with most of the Hebrew Bible. If you, inject the heritage of some other people or nation or religion and it becomes no longer Hebrew nor accurate; at least from the authors point of view, God! He will forever remember who he told to write the Scroll Books; the Prophets, who were all Hebrew with the exception of Luke. Luke we will find wrote his books in the accurate order the events, more of a report from memory; the genealogy he knew from being a first hand witness, and is the only known disciple to write directly to and correspond directly with the Jewish High Priest, of the day, Theophilus; Luke's passion was to place facts in eyewitness perspective for Theophilus, who the Hebrew Bible states had acquired knowledge, from Gamaliel, Paul, John the Baptist and the Essene community. Luke explains in his letter to Theophilus; both in word and deed, having closely traced all things accurately, to write, in order, the matters, "Oh! Theophilus, that you might obtain full knowledge and certainty". So the first perspective is the Messiah was recognized by the favored Hebrew, son of Aaron, John the Baptist, before crucifixion, after resurrection; the Rabbi Gamaliel said if they are of God you cannot stop them, the sitting High Priest Theophilus, as well as, the Essene Community understood Messiah must come according to Daniel before the Second Temple was destroyed; as prophesied in Daniel 9: 26; the destruction of Jerusalem prophecy was fulfilled in 70ad, meaning first century Hebrew men died knowing the Messiah had met the criteria for his first, Lamb coming, according to Isaiah 53, then would return in like manner as Redeemer Conquer, as recorded in Isaiah 63.
The fact that the words of the book of Acts, as well as, the book of Luke are written by Luke to Theophilus is significant; according to the Encyclopedia Judaica, Theophilus was the High Priest of Jerusalem, from 37 to 41 ad, sitting in his priest course and known to be conversing with and believing by the evidence, by word of mouth and through Luke, that the crucified Jesus Christ was the prophetic Anointed One of Daniel, the soon to be conquering Messiah of the book of Isaiah, chapter 63. The entire narrative of both the book of Luke and of Acts display the legal genealogical and ancient biblical perspective that by the overwhelming evidence, the man from Nazareth was the Anointed Christ. Had this not been correct and proper, Theophilus was in the same position to have Luke and the rest of the disciples crucified as their leader had been. Instead we have a narrative where Luke writes to, "Most Excellent Theophilus", I write to provide an eyewitness account as an attendant of the words and specific events and Words delivered to the disciples by Jesus of Nazareth. Luke outlines in his books and addresses the books content and context specifically to the, "Most Excellent Theophilus; "that touching the matters which thou had been taught by word of mouth, thou mayest obtain full knowledge of the certainty", Greek translation
The second Hebrew perspective is John the Baptist. This has been over looked by most first century and current Rabbi's, Theologians, Priests, Scholars, Pastors, Ministers and clergy.
John the Baptist was the son of Aaron. Period!
The third Hebrew perspective is the, "Time" Moed, of the events of Acts 2, the text states, ..."and when the Day of Pentecost had fully come or in the Greek it is...and when the Day of Pentecost (the 50th Day) Hag Shavuot [Feast of Weeks] Exodus 34:22, Deuteronomy 16:10 Yom he-Bikkurim (The Day of the First Fruits Numbers 28:26 and Hag ha Kazir (The Harvest Feast Exodus 23:16) was filing up the number of Days, the number of days refers to: the Feast of Weeks [Leviticus 23:15-22], a lasting ordinance for all generations to come, this means for the Hebrew where ever he may live and for all who attach themselves to the Hebrew root, as branches, Pentecost, Feast of Weeks, First Fruits, The Harvest Feast are important to observe, through all generations; since it was not repealed, the author of the Scroll Book will remember all generations.
In addition Deuteronomy 16:9-12 adds a free will offering to the Feast of Weeks which has been unknown to the Christian branch as attached to an ordinance which was to all generations; no wonder going into the world has been limited when it comes to the Jewish Root One receiving the words of the Christian Branch One.
The Seven weeks counted, Deuteronomy 16:9, ends at Shavuot, Shavuot falls 50 days after Passover, this is the same days the disciples were told to wait for gift from Father, the Holy Spirit Baptism, this is the Day the 50th] the Holy Spirit fell, this is the day they heard in each language and this is the day Peter said this is that spoken by the Prophet Joel, 50 Days after Resurrection/Passover. THIS IS HUGE! Shavuot from Encylopedia Judaica here
Lack of knowledge perishes, the person, while in untruth; Truth, full knowledge, the same as provided to Theophilus by Luke makes one wise according to the Psalms, Proverbs and Daniel as written of in relation to the Last Days, in chapter 12 , Daniel speaks directly on the subject of wisdom by stating in verse 3 ...those who are wise will shine like the brightness of heavens..., verse 10, many shall be purified (by the truth-full knowledge), made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand ('tsarnaev), but the wise shall understand. Just a note: you would have to ask yourself understand what? could it be the content herein, the compendium of knowledge provided here, the view from, In the Beginning.
It would not be until later, 90ad to 100ad, John at Patmos, would be called to reveal, the testimony of Jesus as the spirit of Prophecy REVELATION 19:10b, while unveiling the final course of human history, in the Gentile Age, through the recorded statements of his messenger: "John is given a messenger", as he finds himself in the spirit, on the Lord's Day; here begins the journey to point out to God's servants, the things that must come to pass, soon! John was shown prophetic Signs, prophetic time in Aions, meaning, Ages, of Time, Times and 1/2, MOED. John revealed the things he has saw. John's book is to reveal, what things he has seen and what they are; and what things are about to come to pass soon and in his own time he writes first to the 7 original Churches outside of Jerusalem; the seven (7) churches in Johns time were, Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea; today they are all revealed to be all located in Turkey; history provides the evidence they all fell to Islamic domination, history records, the church of Philadelphia as the last to fall in xxxx to the Islamic Ottoman Empire; another failed attempt to destroy the Hebrew root only until the later times when, WWI would wound the Ottoman Empire but it would revive in the form of Islamic Republic in 1979, this relates to the open door for those who kept the word, they are kept from the hour of trail that will come upon the whole world to test those who live upon earth. Those who fulfill chapters 11 to 13 of Revelation, should know who you are, by the words of the prophets: Amos, Daniel, Zechariah, Ezekiel, Psalms, 2KIngs, II Samuel, Exodus Isaiah, Esther, Jeremiah. [Rotherham Bible] World War II returned the people of Israel to the land of Israel.
The reason for these specific comments to the churches is: in the days after King Solomon died 950 b.c., the 10 Tribes were taken captive literally transported into the Assyrian Empire, the people orginally in Habor were transported to what was known as Samaria. Thus the Hebrew population swap was accomplished, read about it here. Revelation 2 & 3, is the Devine Providence of the 10 Tribe Hebrew nations imported to Turkey. This is why the woman at the well was told she did not know what she was talking about, since her original heritage was in not Israel but in the land of ; it is only when the people of God understand the storyline will Messiah come ...Daniel was called highly esteemed, based on his own repentance for first himself, then his people, like Daniel 9 we must repent from not knowing, repentance opens the eyes of your understanding, like Daniel understanding the things of Jeremiah 25, the 70 Weeks, the key to the restoration of the Israel.
It is the visual history of Messiah, the two periods of "Comings" outlined by the Prophet Isaiah, the prophecies of Isaiah 53 and Isaiah 63; we need to repent for not seeing this sooner, as Daniel repented in chapter 9. When traced through the course of history properly, we are taken to the view of explicit world history, that began with the instructions of Gabriel to the culmination of the end of the Times of the Gentiles; as the Kingdom Age starts after the final Battle of Armageddon.
Armageddon is fought against Kings of the Beast countries spoken of in Psalm 83, all of these things give us knowledge and understanding. The Great Tribulation, Millennium and Mystery Babylon have already started in John's time Revelation 1:9. 7:14; 11:15-19:21; the periods are how the tribulation plays out to this day; please note, John says I am in Tribulation with you, it is all playing out, now, since then, and in the last days, as we can see. The critieria is to see something standing in the Holy Place; a thing that should not be in the Temple Mount area; but is given a Time, Times and 1/2 to be there. The Jews, as well as, the many nations of Abraham have seen [ it ] since 1948 when they were blessed to return to the land and to implement restoration by fulfillment of scripture.
The Abomination standing in the Outer Court of Temple Mount as it does today, is a sign, visible since 1948; note the [Rapture] (stay with me on this) had already taken place when John wrote, since he had seen and experienced Revelation 4:1- verse 4, round about the throne were 24 seats: 24 seated elders, as he was in the spirit he saw himself as one of the 12 Apostles; as well as, the 12 Tribes seated as elders on thrones given authority to judge: the beheaded multitude already wearing white raiment and crowns a study of the 7 crowns will clear up the previous HUGE error of Rapture, the multitude was taken OBVIOUSLY from pre-Jesus captivity, Adam to Christ; plus the text states in Revelation 20, behead souls, ...of their testimony for him; they are the key to understanding no Rapture. Further: the things concerning the churches is consecutive since the church of Philadelphia did not fall until the time of the Ottoman Empire: when looked at properly we find that John was the last disciple alive, living and writing on the Isle of Patmos, his text describes those who had been taken to Heaven in the train of the Lord, the 12 tribes and 12 disciples who are the 24 elders; the 1260 Days Sign, the Woman cared for, the Sea Beast, the Earth Beast, the Lamb and the 144,000, the three Angels, the Harvest of the Earth, Seven Angels-Seven Plagues, Seven Wrath Bowls, The Woman on the Beast, the Fall of Babylon, the HALLELUJAH, the 1000 year seal, Mystery Babylon, the Hallelujah of the Rider on the white horse, Aramageddon, judgment and the New Jerusalem, the River of Life which watered the tree in the Garden of Eden, the original couple forbidden to touch, now the Tree becomes food for healing the nations; no curse; only; eternal Kingdom and everlasting life in consequtive order. See the Sir Isaac Newton chart.
These are the things which must soon take place. Messiah is Coming, be ready and be known, repent and return to the original God designed and designated Hebrew by perspective, The Creator's Hebrewheritage.Another little note: for those who after all the above still think this is about Rapture, John states you are cursed if you add to or take away the words of the Hebrew perspective. Think about it God could have left Abraham an UR-ite from his original idol land of Ur; but God chose to give His perspective and wrap one wondering in the desert, in the garment and language of a Hebrew, there was no Hebrew until God made Abraham from Abram, made his people and his language, created His chosen people Hebrew; while giving many nations to the family of Abraham. Rapture is not in the Hebrew language. Rapture theory was not add to the Hebrew Bible until the late 18th, early 19th century by people who have had a curse on themselves ever since, unless they repented; one not of the Hebrew lineage cannot just fit in a word then attempt to say it came from a Hebrew, Really? ...again, the Hebrew Bible can only be canonized by a Hebrew; the DEAD SEA SCROLLS; Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms are the Hebrew Bible and canonized by the same; Ezra and Nehemiah canonized the Hebrew Bible after return from Babylonian captivity approximately 500bc with books they had found which never left the Temple Mount area of Jerusalem; the Essene's began archived and curated the Scrolls approximately 200 b.c. including other ancient commentaries, ancient reference works and their own personal community bibliography to help us comprehend exactly why they hid the Scrolls prior to the 70ad, fall of the Temple and Jerusalem. John the Baptist son of Aaron by lineage is the witness to the VERACITY of the 1st century ancient documents. John and the Essenes' were neighbors. No conflicts were ever noted by him or any other person of position in the first century, including the Nazarene.
Let's make this relevant as we do the, Are We On The Same Page test:
70 a.d. Second Temple Destroyed, not one stone left on another
1917 WWI As birds flying General Allenby
1945 WWII
On June 7 1967 Israel recaptured the old walled city of Jerusalem, Luke 21:24 Fulfilled
On May 14, 1948 Israel regained control of the Holy Land, Isaiah 66:8-24, a nation in a day
1947 the Scrolls of Israel were discovered in the land of Israel substantiating the fact that it is indeed the
Jewish homeland.
At time of Moses & Joshua Anathoth (/ˈæn.ə.toʊθ/[1]) is the name of one of the cities given to "the children of Aaron" (Joshua 21:13,18; 1 Chronicles 6:54,60), in the tribe of Benjamin
At Time of David an Solomon is
At Time of Jeremiah Jeremiah brought a field
At Time of John the Baptist is
At Time of Essene Community is
Daniel 12:13 Allotted Inheritance
The Times of the Gentiles ends on the day of Armageddon. Unspecified, Televised for Global viewing
65 million, 7 million year chronology, 3 million b.c, 160,000 - 5000 b.c.; we know not when, the earth finally becomes ready for human Homo Sapien inhabitants, if we knew this we would know the exact location of the Garden of Eden, however, we can and do know the descendents of the Woman and the Serpent. There were 3 standing in the Garden that day, all created adults, all cursed by virtue of their collective disobedience, the result, the Fall of Mankind, the remedy, One Prophecy, One Covenant, One Chronicled History, One Nation, One Theme, One Plan, One Purpose, One Person, One Destiny, One Messiah.
In Matthew 24:2, an answer is given, which concerns the fate of every human being on planet earth, ..."I tell you the truth, not one stone will be left on another, every one will be thrown down", the time of prophecy fulfillment was 70 ad, it was the destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman Empire, the Titus Arch depicts the Romans returning from Jerusalem carrying away 2nd Temple instruments of service and treasure; it is the fulfillment of the first prophecy in Matthew 24. Matthew 24:2 is the fulfillment of Jeremiah 22:5-10. It must be understood the New Testament was not designed to operate on its own, it had a foundation, base text of Old Testament which is quoted repeatedly, this is the original the Bible code which began in Genesis 3:15 and is still unfolding in human history. An event had to be spoken then in time it would be accomplished, if it was spoken from a prophet sent by God, then, "It Is Written". Here it should also be stated, the New Covenant-New Testament came out of the Prophet Jeremiah's camp, not from the declarations of any New Testament character, first century Hebrew people, disciples and prophets knew they were quoting Jeremiah 31:31; ..."the time is coming when I will make a New Covenant, with the House of Israel". The example of this is seen in the 8th day presentation at the Temple, Symeon (Simeon) the Righteous, ...the glory of thy people Israel, and Ana waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem declare it has been fulfilled; in the Christ child, born of a virgin, in the city of Bethlehem Ephrathah. Micah 5:2-3; Jeremiah 7:29
Science, discovery, excavations...are constantly proving the absolute truth of the history, chronology, and predicted fulfilled events contained in the Hebrew Bible.
Sholem Asch ONE DESTINY, 1945
So the question remains are we on the same page as the Hebrew Bible
The Dead Sea Scrolls discovery forever changed how we understand the Hebrew Bible, we finally possess the original text of the Hebrew Bible, found in Israel, intentionally hidden so the scrolls could be found at the, End of Days; meaning the ancients expected this generation to be seeking for the answers only found in the Dead Sea Scrolls Bible, Commentary and Reference Works.
We have always believed there were 36 prophetic writers, but according to the first century literature of the Dead Sea Scrolls there were more writers; as well as, more scrolls, in daily use. To date, the Scrolls have been looked at by only a handful of reviewers, very few churches, scholars and students. The ancient documents require our immediate attention, the Scrolls should be carefully studied, and the text closely compared, scrutinized and reviewed to at the very least determine what we have missed. To find out why so aggressively Jesus of Nazareth referred his disciples to the book of Daniel. Now, we must review all the text of all the scrolls, whole and fragment, the original 972 scrolls canonized by the 1st century Hebrew, in the 2nd Temple era.
The DSS Scrolls record in their text that they have been handed down from the time of Enoch, son of Jared, seventh from Adam, the first prophet. Enoch's sons were required to pass the scrolls to future Anti Diluvian generations, Noah and his family were the last and only surviving humans of that generation, Noah and his sons passed the text to the 70 nations of earth birthed from his sons, as can be seen in the, Larkin Chart, Table of the Nations, the 70 families after the Flood. Noah's son Shem passed the scroll text to Moses; Moses, Joshua, King David were all at some point in charge of the scrolls. At the time of return from Babylonian captivity, Ezra states he found books which he read to the children of Israel. The Essenes around 200 b.c. began a project to collect as many scrolls as possible, review , repair, refresh and archive the scrolls for safe keeping until the time of the end. Many rebellions against the Romans were evident and it would be only a matter of time before Judah would be conquered, to full the prophetic words of the destruction of the Temple and scattering of the people. The scrolls were finally accumulated, archived, reviewed, sealed and hidden by the Essene Community, at Qumran Caves where the scrolls were discovered in 1947. from 70 a.d. the Scrolls were hidden and sealed from all human eyesight as predicted in Daniel. It is only by arriving at the, Time of the End, which unsealed, unlocked and revealed the content of the Scrolls. The Essenes' had accomplished their goal; the scrolls after so many years are in fragments but some are whole, intact scrolls such as the Isaiah scroll, it is the premier scroll of the group, based on its content. Since the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls intricate knowledge of the content, details, writing materials of each scroll has been analyzed, revealing the scrolls were preserved in the form they were originally written in ancient pre-Essene times, whether; vellum, parchment, copper, leather; the fact is the scrolls have never left Israel, have never been tampered with, are subject ONLY to the canonization by a Hebrew, which was accomplished by Ezra and Nehemiah, plus, daily use not by any other later source; the DSS are the original books of the Hebrew Bible, not versions, all other books, are versions the Dead Sea Scrolls which started being compiled around at the seventh (7th) generation from Adam, approximately 3500 b.c. based on the life of Enoch, son of Jared; for clear understanding, all versions are using the text of the books of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; the lineage of Seth through Shem, there are no books, scrolls, commentary or reference works by, Abraham and Ishmael, no Hebrew prophet, has written about the lineage of Ishmael except the Genesis storyline relating narrative between Hagar and God, the promise to him, and the heritage provide to Ishamael, as becoming a great people, through his children which were half Hebrew and half Egyptian. Genesis 16:1-16; Genesis 17:18; Genesis 21:8-21, Genesis 25:9 ...Isaac and Ishmael buried Abraham at Machpelah, in the field of Ephron the son of Zohar the Hittite, which is before Mamre; the field which Abraham purchased of the childre of Heth; there wasAbraham buried, and Sarah his wife, not Hagar, Hagar is buried in Mecca; Genesis 25:12-18 ...And these are the names of the sons of Ishmael, by their names, according to their generations: Nebaioth, Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, Mishma, Dumah, Massa, Hadad, Tema, Jetur, Naphish, Kedem; these are the names by their village and encampments, twelve princes according to their nations, ...and the dwelt from Havilah to Shur that is before Egypt, as you go toward Asshur, only the sited verses are spoken, in the entire Hebrew Bible, in regard to Ishmael.
The test here is Hebrew antiquity, a patient investigation of all extant external evidence currently accessible. The content and context of the Hebrew Bible can only be found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, literally stitched together at its seams, not woven into a new version, pattern, language, message, people, nation or medieval period. It is one book with one provenance, integrity and heritage intact.
The Dead Sea Scrolls are the Hebrew Bible used during 1st century, 2nd Temple period, canonized by Ezra and Nehemiah, plus daily use, not by non-Hebrew entities, centuries later.
Hebrew Writings, One Prophecy!
Hebrew writings are ancient, Anti-diluvian or pre-Flood, Judaistic, Biblical, Inter-Testamental records of prophecy; they are, "THEOPNEUSTOS", or God Breathed statements of Truth. This means Hebrew literature derived from the first human prophet, Enoch, son of Jared, is subsequently reiterated to the Hebrew prophets at the time its is spoken, by each prophet, to carry the people living in varied time periods, to the End of the Age, not world. It was obvious, it, the End, would not or may not happen in their time period as reflected by most of the prophets, as to when would the thing occur; no man knew the hour or day, however, the season of its nearing was clear given, by all of the prophets in their consecutive prophecies. Even John the Baptist, son of the Aaron priesthood, sent his disciples to ask should we look for another, the reply, full of Messianic identity came: the blind recover sight; and the lame walk; Lepers are cleansed; and the deaf hear; and the dead are raised; and the destitute are told the joyful tidings. One needs to wonder and understand how the 24 Elders and Great Multitude arrived in Heaven; and were seen there by the prophetic writers. Here at Hebrewheritage our BOOK fully states, "He took captivity captive, " This is why it says: "When he ascended on high, he took many captives and gave gifts to his people."; Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible
Thou hast ascended on high... Which is to be understood, not of Moses ascending up to the firmament, as the Targum and Jarchi interpret it, of which we nowhere read; nor of David's going up to the high fortresses, as Aben Ezra; nor of God's ascent from Mount Sinai; but of Christ's ascension to heaven, as the apostle cites and explains it in Ephesians 4:8; which ascension respects him as man, was not figurative, as in Genesis 17:22; but real and local, from earth to heaven, and was certain and visible; he was seen to go up by angels and men; and, because of the certainty of it, it is here expressed in the past tense, though it was then future;
Thou hast led captivity captive; meaning either such who had been captives, in which sense the word is used, Psalm 126:1; and so may design either those who had been prisoners in the grave, but were set free at Christ's resurrection, and went with him in triumph to heaven; or all his people, whom he redeemed by his blood from that captivity and bondage they were in by nature; or rather those who led them captive are here meant by "captivity"; such as sin, Satan, the world, death, and every spiritual enemy, whom Christ conquered and triumphed over; the allusion may be to public triumphs, when captives were led in chains, even kings and great men, that had captivated others: the words seem to be borrowed out of Judges 5:12;
Thou hast received gifts for men; the gifts of the Holy Spirit, qualifying men for the ministry of the Gospel, as they are interpreted by the Apostle, Ephesians 4:11; these Christ received from his divine Father in human nature, when he ascended up to heaven, in order to give them to men; and which he did in a very extraordinary manner on the day of Pentecost. The Targum and Syriac version render it, "thou hast given gifts to men"; and the Arabic version, "and he gave gifts to men", as the apostle, Ephesians 4:8;
Yea, for the rebellious also; disobedient and unbelieving, as all men are by nature, even God's elect, before conversion, Titus 3:3; who are not only called by grace, and have the blessings of grace bestowed upon them; but some of them have gifts given them, whereby they are fitted to preach the Gospel to others, as Saul, the blasphemer, persecutor, and injurious; and some of those among the Jews, that were concerned in the crucifixion of Christ: though some think the Gentiles are intended, on whom the Holy Spirit was poured forth after our Lord's ascension; and so the Targum interprets it of the rebellious, who become proselytes, and return by repentance;
That the Lord God might dwell among them; that is, that they, by the gifts and graces of the Spirit bestowed on them, might become a fit habitation for God; or that "they", the rebellious, being now partakers of the grace of God and his gifts, "might dwell with the Lord God" (n) in his churches; enjoy his divine presence, and have communion with him in his word and ordinances.
Recorded in two Testaments, which are the spirit of prophecy; predicted by the prophecies of Jeremiah and Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel Zechariah, etc. as contributions of more ancient prophets then we have been aware of according to the Dead Sea Scrolls, bears witness. This means the evidence of the Scrolls includes more biblical books we have not read, plus references to books we call Apocrypha, they called Hebrew Bible,in use at 1st century. The original, documents portraying Creation, the First family of the world, the patriarchs of prophetic history, Noah, his three sons and the original 70 nations of earth birthed from Shem, Ham and Japheth; throughout all time the emphasis has been only on that which is of the Messianic line of the Redeemer, Saviour and King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Emmanuel, God With Us: every knee shall bow to, the one who will orchestrate the finale of Armageddon, bring righteousness to the earth for eternity and peace to all men.
The scenes of the great drama are, reflected through a brief list of patriarchs, events, Time, Times and 1/2 as the scroll text traverse through the line Adam by way of Seth to Enoch; Noah to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob to Joseph; Moses to Joshua; the Judges of Israel, the Kings of Israel, the Great Assembly from the time of Ezra, led by Ezra and Nehemiah, the original leaders in post-exilic times, after Babylonian captivity; until the time for the, "Rolls", to be sealed, 70 a.d, to the opening at the End of the Age, not world.
Within the post exilic time until the destruction of Jerusalem the Essene Community would fulfill the words of Daniel by sealing the literal scrolls until the time of the End. Daniel 12. The reference to the End of Days opening of Daniel's scroll can be found in Revelation 5, referenced in Isaiah as, until the land be utterly desolate, which was the case from 70ad to 1948; the sealed scrolls were discovered in 1947, unsealed, once again preserved this time by modern science, archived, translated and digitized by the cooperation of the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) and the Google Project; a partnership between The Israel Museum, Jerusalem and the Google Cultural Institute
Today, in the post exilic age, we can identify our times are the End of the Age, by the unsealing, the knowledge of the content of the Scrolls increasing and the prophetic fulfilled events of biblical history have not ceased to continue to fulfill the prophecies of old. We were told to follow the old paths, but ah last, we have not, but we will and we can through this study and more which shall rise like it; the book of Daniel states, knowledge would increase, and like Daniel found out, it is knowledge of God's Hebrew Book, the Dead Sea Scrolls, which will increase.
There are Two Testaments extant, one Testament recorded as predictions of present, at the time spoken, and future events, the other Testament quoting the first, but relying on the New Covenant explanation of Jeremiah to support fulfillment of the prophecies and add that which could not be spoken in the older testament because the time was not, yet at hand, as the disciple John states it is at the time of his writing of the Revelation of the Christ, which was between 90 and 100 AD Johns opening words of his book: "The revelation of Jesus the Christ, this is based on the evidence, which the John the Baptist and the Essene had witnessed according to the deposition of the prophets, it is according to what Jeremiah, Isaiah, Micah, wrote in their named scrolls. A new, second covenant, to the first which would need to run its course to the Armageddon spoken of in the Old Testament the finale of both books, the sin of the Angels, the Garden Fall, the Cain event, the punishment of Israel all being replaced by a new, heaven, a new earth, the Holy city , New Jerusalem, present upon earth the Tent of God is with men, And He will tabernacle with them, And they will be His peoples, And He will be God with them, And will wipe away every tear...Have you ever wonder what tears, you're not crying now in your present state why would there be tears? Are they tears of joy or tears, for not knowing, like Daniel the 70 years.
The House of Israel, the House of Judah, it is significant that it is broken down by the two houses of Israel, found in Jeremiah 31:31, the content of the book is speaking of an Israel which will as confirmed by the text will be as eternal as the solar system; verses 35-36. Nothing on earth can change or alter the, Word, of prophecy; it must all be fulfilled.
It is the fulfillment of, Timed, events on which the Bible is based. The schedule is recorded as, Time, Times and 1/2, 42 Months,1260,1290 and 1335 Days, 2300 evenings and mornings, 70 Weeks, 483 Years, 2520 Years, 7 Years, 70 a.d., 666 a.d., 1947, 1948, 1967, 1979, 2001. The model incorporated in the scrolls for identifying the periods are: Creation, Human -Homo Sapien creation, Replenish, Human Prophetic Destiny, Messianic Redemption, Armageddon, Judgment, Resurrection, New Versions of Heaven, Hell, Earth recreated and Jerusalem where there will be Old Testament requirements to visit Jerusalem each year; Sabbaths and New Moons, as well as, the ultimate, final result, Eternal Life.
This is all established under Covenant, initiated by God, in either conditional or non- conditional form. EDUCATE-COVENANT
This is what happens to Israel: Isaiah 60...Arise shine!
This is what God will do: Isaiah 63, it is also the conquering Messiah which the Hebrew and the Jew has looked for since the days of the Exodus. It was never noticed or many were blinded from understanding how the book of Isaiah portrays, two comings, the first in Isaiah 53 fulfillment of the words of Daniel; then separately in Isaiah 63 as the conquering Messiah who enters at Bozrah and leaves the nations who, "were not with Him" bloody, trampled as enemies by His anger and His wrath. Isaiah 63. As he proceeds on to the field of Meggido, to the Battle of Armageddon. Further, Isaiah's last words state: Isaiah 66:22-24
Isaiah 66:22 For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, says the LORD, so shall your seed and your name remain.
Isaiah 66:23 And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, says the LORD.
Isaiah 66:24 And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh.
The Isaiah scroll was found as a whole scroll, intact with each chapter and verse, by its content it is the most unique scroll found at the Qumram Cave library.
The Dead Sea Scrolls, Commentary and reference works are the history of mankind through covenants, the particular covenant to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob passed down through the creative redemptive power from the time of Enoch, 7th from Adam, son of Jared, first prophet to receive prophetic messages and explain the destiny of mankind, through the individual choice of each human being. The generation lineage of the patriarchs with the ability to transmit the events of Creation, the Fall, the Murder, @ the 7th generation from Adam - Enoch's messages fro Heaven to his sons, to the Anti-diluvian world, to the Flood could be accomplished through Adam | Lamech son of Methuselah | Shem | Abraham. It is like the generations of the line of Seth carried the story in scroll or verbal form as follows in Genesis 5 : Seth 3rd son of Adam, Enos son of Seth, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch lived 365 years - Got took him, fore he-who was not, Methuselah, Lamech son of Methuselah, Noah - his 3 sons and their wives walked into the Ark, when out of the Ark, Noah's 3 sons Shem, Ham and Japheth birthed the original 70 nations of the present earth Genesis 10:32. EDUCATE
From Shem, Moses would receive would receive the scrolls, upon his death they passed to Joshua who was the first to recopy the content onto fresh printable material, from this point the scrolls entered the possession of the Kings of Israel, then came the captivities, first Samaritan taken to Syria and Turkey would later become the recognized as the 7 churches of the book of Revelation; then Judah is taken to Babylon, the miracle of the Persian/Iranian King Cyrus returns the Jews to their land with all their stuff taken by King Nebuchadnezzar, turns out Isaiah prophesied King Cyrus by name 150 years before his birth, Now we have Ezra, how many have ever read or hear this book preached in any service? Anyhow Ezra says this: Ezra 1
Ezra 1:1 Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the LORD by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and put it also in writing, saying,
Ezra 1:2 Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, The LORD God of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth; and he hath charged me to build him an house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah.
Ok, we need to look at this again, for two reasons, first Isaiah prophesied regarding Cyrus and two, once a Persian decree is pronounced it cannot be altered, remember Mordecai and Esther were under the same kind of decree sentence, so to get around it the King offered another decree, Esther and Mordecai lived; the the evil axis terrorist Marduk died, in the time of Xerxes, Esthers husband .
We need to end this introduction with identifying the Teacher of Righteousness, motivational speaker of the Essene Community Doctrine, This person was titled, the Teacher of righteousness. at the time of the first century there were only two candidates who qualified for the position. One would be John the Baptist, the other the Nazarene ... only one fulfilled all the critieria associated with the designation Teacher of Righteousness. John the Baptist told everyone he was not the one, but he was not sure if Jesus was the one, or should we look for another, so from prison John sent his disciples to ask The man from Nazareth. The Nazarene said, tell John this, there was no further answer needed, the critieria is fulfilled at all points; this is of course how the Essenes knew the Anointed Jesus was the Teacher of Righteous!
Qualifications to fulfill
Now the Essenes couldn't call him MESSIAH since he had not finished all of the qualifications
They would not call him the ANOINTED ONE of Daniel since the 62 and 7 weeks had not yet completed
They didn't call him Christ since the Pharisees and Sadducees would have stoned him and probably them also
So naturally speaking it became easy to use Teacher of Righteous, based on the mission, to Teach, to make Known, to give Understanding so that the mistake Eve made would never occur again, miss-quoting the word of God.
We have gone to great lengths to put this together in descending order, since so much has been missed, much has to be given
Think about this, Daniel stayed in Iran/ Persia to change the nation, He could have led the team home but he saw the value of staying in Persia, that at the time of the Virgin birth, a contingency of wise scientist could come from Iran, cross the desert, to arrive on time at the exact event the prophet Micah had spoken of . The men were wise by virtue of the fact, they understood a prophet event would occur to change the course of human history including how time is judged ,
The Thesis introduction is about the Old Testament book of Jeremiah the prophet. It shows how a prophecy is formulated, expanded upon by another prophet and fulfilled in a time quite distant, by events which take place, in the Times of the Gentiles, within the dispensation of the 1st century, Second Temple period. It is as well the dispensation of Grace within, the dispensation of the fullness of Times.
The church did not begin suddenly at Pentecost, it was a process, a fulfillment of Jeremiah's; Isaiah's prophecies.
There are no signs of the Pentecostal Church age closing, nor is it the end of the world, it is according to the prophetic text, the End of the Times of the Gentiles, its end of course is Armageddon is ushered in and the battle is fought, disturbed and halted by...
The Jews returning to Palestine, the last rush to drive them into the sea, decapitate their allies, sidewalk terrorism are the signs of the Kings of the earth being gather to the valley of Meggido; there is a generation that will not pass until they see the events occur described both in the Old and New Testament. Daniel tells us that in the last times knowledge will be increased, it is the knowledge of the words of the Tankh ...many running to and fro to gain understanding of their Hebrew Bible, the Dead Sea Scrolls.
It is impossible for the Hebrews to seen or understood anything that is not explicitly written in the text; in this case there are prophets who provide in descending order the events that happen to Israel. The New Testament follows this same principle, it quotes, it does not change to allow for a prized 3rd, 7th or 17th century version no matter how valid the theory has been woven, this thing ends as; It Is Written. Ther is no add on, the textthat will stand; the book itself specificly places a curse on those who would meddle with its text by any means; i.e. changing calendars, changing or adding chracters or messengers, changing the end result of the prophecy, etc. It will end only one way, this is ceratin, established in the blood of he Lamb, who Rev. 5 states was able to open the, Book.
Some believe the church age began at Pentecost, in the Hebrew Bible the prophet Isaiah describes in detail the beginning of the Covenant of Peace, the same Covenant spoke of by Jeremiah, Isaiah 53 identifies those who have believed the Message; to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed as the beginning? It is the Hebrew Feast of Shovuos, the Feast of weeks that is being celebrated at the time of the descending of the Holy Spirit, Peter's speech and the ..., Tis means Shavuot, the Festival of Weeks ... Pentecost is the visible sign of the filling of the Holy Spirit of the Galilean Hebrew men, speaking in Tongues, understood by JEWS from Parthia, Media, Elam, Mesopotamia, Judea Cappadocia, Pontus, Mesopotamia, Judea Cappadocia, Pontus, Asia, Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt, Libya, Rome, Cretans and Arabs; heard the tongues in their own language. It must be remembered they were all Jews attending the Feast of Shovuos, which was not designated by a fix date, but to this day occurs fifty days after the offering of the Omer the first Sunday of Pesach/Passover, the first sheaf of the barley harvest; We must come to understand this thing is a Harvest, not a Rapture. Shavuot would always fall on the seventh Sunday after Pesach/Passover. This is a rich Hebrew Heritage we know very little about but we will, since we know knowledge of these things are increasing, are available, researchable and digital; there is no excuse.
The participants of the Acts 2, Shavuot are today: Parthia is Media is; Elam is Iran, Mesopatamia is ; Judea is the immediate Jerusalem, Cappadocia is Pontus is, Mesopotamia, Judea, Asia is , Phrygia is, Pamphylia is, Egypt is Egypt, Libya is Libya, Rome is Rome, Cretans are and Arabs are Arabs;
The mapped geographical locations of the first Assembly, Synagogue, Church gathering is Hebrew, including and instigated by the holy spirit, upon the Assembly gathered at Jerusalem. Every participant was Hebrew. X -x - X- are in the regional structure of the 7 Churches of Revelation 2 and 4. This means the first ever full assembly of the Church was held in Jerusalem, Peter, addressed the group attending the Hebrew Feast of weeks, the Shavuot/Shovous 50 days after Pesach/Passover as required by the text, as the result of the Holy Spirit descending in the Jerusalem Upper room, at the Feast of Weeks Hebrew Festival, upon members of, and to the Seven Churches of Asia; not the Vatican. There is no extant text of Peter speaking in Rome. There is however much text of the Apostle Paul speaking there.
The was th in biblical text is spoken in and to, From this it is evident the Hebrew Feast of Weeks-Shavuot-Day of Pentecost Church started here; this is why many can not reach the Jew first, because your facts or incorrect.
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This concludes our Hebrewheritage brief introduction, to the Hebrew Bible
Exodus 19:5-6 | Deuteronomy 6:6-11
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