The Greatest Archaeological Discovery of the 20th Century - The Dead Sea Scrolls
The, "BOOKS" are the DSS Scrolls, actually the Scrolls, received by Enoch during his recorded multiple visits to Heaven; then he was not; for God took him!
The Hebrew Bible states Enoch was the 7th generation from Adam, son of Jared, two generations between Enoch and Noah, Noah and his family were the only humans to survive the, Flood, the messages given to Enoch walked off the Ark with the family of Noah, Noah's sons produced the original 70 nations of the current earth, bring the text of the book of Enoch to the people and Prophets of Israel, the people and prophets of Israel were assigned and enlisted to teach all the races the messages given by Enoch, Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms. At the time of the first century the Essenes hid the "BOOKS", the Bedouin discovered the BOOKS, the world was to read and review the contents of the BOOKS to see if what they predicted was true, thereby, proving the, Word and the Prophetic Plan is the truth of the Hebrew Bible and of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the One True God of the human race.
The Scrolls prove the doctrine was written just 7 generations, not in the 7th century a.d.; no other book can support this claim, period.
The Hebrew Bible is Prophecy and Science, at the level of Creation, not Evolution. All the evolutionary hominoids went extinct, not the Homo-Sapien Sapien, made in God's image.
There are lead prophets and prophecies which aid in interpreting the Prophecy
That all the BOOKS from the DSS are one Prophecy
There is only one entity that can fulfill the story line, the Hebrew Bible calls this person the Anointed One, Righteous Servant, the One who is coming from Bozrah, the One coming to gather all nations and tongues Isaiah 66:18,
The Dead Sea Scrolls, DSS reaffirms Israel to be a legitimate state.That Omar's Golden Dome is not the site of the Holy Place, it is the Outer Court as is the Wailing Wall; that Israel's true border goes to the Euphrates River, that Hillel, Gamamiel, Josephus, as well as Maimonides realized Jeremiah's New Covenant could not be stopped, nor could the New Testament, as also discovered in the DSS Scrolls at Qumram, Israel, that all of the New Testament is quoting the old verbatum, as Isaiah 22:1 is being quoted in Matthew 24:16-17; That in order for the prophecy to be fullfilled it must be through the whole house of Israel, both Judah and Ephraim as Ezekiel 37's Dry Bones so vividedle illustrates; That the Apostate Christian who no nothing of Moses the Prophets and the Psalms, the Terrorist who are animated by a God who declares death onCreation. the mystery Babylon who had heard the voice of the BrideGroom and the Bride Rev 17 & 18, quoted from Jeremiah 51 detailing specific details and finally the Anti-Christ System. A system against the Christ described in Daniel as the Anointed One, Against the Isaiah described Righteous Servant of chapter 53, and the conquering Messiah of chapter 63, Against the One who is coming from Bozrah, the One coming to gather all nations and tongues Isaiah 66:18, the One in Joel 3 who will restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, In Zechariah 14 the One who comes and Reigns, the last gathering of the nations in the Gentile Age.
The only viable candidate for Messiah was crucified by a system; Isaiah 53 according to Daniel had to occur before the second Temple was destroyed, there is no Rabbinic wat to get around the prophecy, Isaiah 63 can only happen when Israel is being pummelted for the last time by the surrounding Gentile nations of the confederacy detailed in both Daniel and Revelation Gentile
It was Moses, then Joshua who brought a nation to the land promised, under God's explicit system.
It was men who divided the Davidic, Solomon Kingdom into two operating systems, neither condoned by God, punishment was God's chosen corrective action and he used the nations againstIsrael to accomplish the punishment, until the ground had had its sabbaths and the Temple Mount had been cleansed and the people of the Holocaust had repented, it can be sure that if Dainel in chapter 9 had to repent for himself and his people, that those dearones who sat for so long under the system of Hitler repented also in the same manner as Daniel, the Bible says Michael arose and Israel was allowed back into its promised land and granted stated-hood/ kingdom-hood on May 14, 1948...all prophecy all the result of time, history, science.
Jerusalem in 70 a.d. was destroyed by a system which rejected the One the Wisemen from Daniel's domain so easily recognized, as the One who should be presented with gifts and hidden from Herod.
The Holocaust was a system managed by a ruthless system, exterminate Israel is a ruthless system organized by men of10 confederate kingdoms, which were in existence during the Roman/Greek Empires and have only risen since 1920-22 after the Ottoman Empire was dismantled by the allied victory of World War I, (WWI), exactly as predicted in the, "BOOKS", of Daniel and Revelation.
In The Beginning ...Build An Ark ...Let My People Go...Give Ear; the Song of Moses Deuteronomy 32, Isaiah's prophetic vision, Give Ear Isaiah 1:2. Hear O' Israel Deuteronomy 6:4
So the question is, Give Ear to what? Hear What?
The answer is simple, Give Ear, to the prophecies of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.
After the Babylonian captivity the displaced books were located, according to 2nd Maccabbees 2:3 Nehemiah founded a library and gathered together the books concerning the kings and the prophets and King David...
The same books hundreds of years later were preserved by the Essenes in jars, in caves, as believing someone would one day return to retrieve them from the secret location.
In time two bedouin men tending sheep, drop a stone in a cave, forever shattering the secret location of the, Scrolls.
The last Compendium, the Dead Sea Scrolls
Moses, First Five Books Compendium
the Prophets Name Titled Prophetic Compendiums ...Enoch, the first, Samuel the second; those prophets unique to prophetic, End of Days history
the Psalms ...King David's Compendium ...summarized in Psalm 119:1-2 ...keep his testimonies, the same word used by the Disciple John in Revelation 19:10b ...the spirit of prophecy is the Testimony. In a court case the testimony is from witnesses, events, timelines, etc.
Hebrewheritage has developed the first Hebrew Bible Curriculum Compendium of biblical text, a systematic investigation through the evidence of each of the known created sciences; archaeology, anthropology, zoology, botany, architecture, ecology, geography, geology, paleontology, history, topography, ecology, apocalypse, apocrypha, pseudigraph, eschatology, prophecy, etc. to unravel the mysteries of biblical text. Our Bible Media resource includes a library of over 500 books dealing with Biblical History, Bible Science, Earth Science, and the Dead Sea Scrolls the complete 1st century, Hebrew BIBLE